Sunday, May 24, 2020

CT261 Understand Mental Health problems - 1601 Words

CU261P/CT261 Understand Mental Health problems 1. 1.1 The main types of mental ill health according to the psychiatric (DSM/ICD) classification system are as follows; Adjustment Disorder- A significantly more difficult adjustment to a life situation than would normally be expected considering the circumstances. For example; Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety and Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct. Anxiety Disorder- Experience of abnormal or inappropriate anxiety without any recognizable stimulus or when the stimulus does not warrant such a reaction. For example; Agoraphobia and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Dissociative Disorder- A disruption in consciousness, memory, identity or perception, when one of†¦show more content†¦This was most seen in the first publication in 1952 where there was a diagnosis of Homosexuality as a Sociopathic Personality Disorder which wasn’t removed until the early 70s and what is now called Autistic Spectrum Disorder was originally thought to be a form of childhood Schizophrenia. In America the DSM was published to widespread controversy as it was believed that 67% of the DSM-5 taskforce had direct links to the Pharmaceutical Industry and substantial profits were being pocketed. 1.3 Two alternative frameworks for understanding mental distress are Biological/Medical and Behavioural. The first describes psychological problems as resulting from physical causes such as brain injuries and defects and hereditary factors like Down’s syndrome or Cerebral Palsy. The latter describes patterns of behaviour that may have been conditioned from an early developmental age which have arisen from external stressors and the individual’s personality. 1.4 Mental ill health may be indicated through an individual’s emotions, thinking and behaviour, this can present itself in many ways. For example; a person suffering from Bipolar may exhibit extremes of high and low mood coupled with frenetic and despondent behaviour respectively. They would likely have erratic thoughts and speak very fast in a disjointed manner. In periods of mania the

Monday, May 18, 2020

Employee Empowerment And Participative Work Redesign Programs Business Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2435 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? INTRODUCTION TO EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT AND PARTICIPATIVE WORK REDESIGN PROGRAMS Employee empowerment and participative work redesign programs have been a part of the recurring discussions by authors in the recent years. The two phrases have been called as twin and have been deployed as worthy innovations and as necessary features to enhance movements including Total Quality Management and Business process re-engineering (Beirne themes M., 2006). Empowerment is considered to be an important ingredient in high performance organisations today. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Employee Empowerment And Participative Work Redesign Programs Business Essay" essay for you Create order The meaning and definition of the word EMPOWERMENT can be interpreted in various ways by different people. As cited in Michelle.K et al (2000), Parker and Price (1994) define empowerment in an organizational context as the belief that one has control over decision making, Conger and Kanungo (1988) define empowerment as increased feelings of self-efficacy, Thomas and Velthouse (1990) and Spreitzer (1995) expand the definition to include the meaning of the work, self-efficacy or competence, self determination or choice about actions, and impact on work outcomes, Kieffer (1984) define empowerment as long-term adult learning and development with the goal of increasing participatory competence, i.e. the ability to play an active role in shaping ones environment. Thus including all the above definitions, empowerment can be defined as A developmental process that promotes an active approach to problem solving, increased political understanding, and an increased ability to exercise control. For the British government and European Union members, the main consideration was given to a humanist element that included fairness and consensus, which focused on economic empowerment; absorbing the building up of economy, community and citizens. (Commission of the European Union, 1998 and Department of Trade and Industry, 1999), (cited in Beirne, M. 2006 p2). To cope up with the ever increasing pressure of globalisation and demand for higher efficiency, a lot many organizations have decided to apply the strategy of restructuring. As cited in Isaiah al, from past many decades most of the work on job design and redesign has been based on the studies of Hackman and Oldham (1976, 1980). As per them the motivational potential in a job is dependent on a number of tasks dimensions such as task variety, autonomy, identity, significance feedback and skills variety. It is generally assumed that a job that has higher value of above mentioned attributes has a higher motivating potent ial than a job that is not. In the present era Employee Empowerment and Participative Work Redesign Programs are becoming very popular as they not only ensure job satisfaction and job security at the workplace, but also foster power in people to carry any type of task and cope up with any kind of challenge with confidence IMPORTANCE OF EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT AND PARTICIPATIVE WORK REDESIGN PROGRAMS Employee empowerment and Participative work redesign programs forms the basis for every organisation today ,as it allows and help the organisation to achieve its objectives and help in transfusing reflective learning in the employees and gear them up to contribute their best towards the progress of the organisation. In the past century, workers were disempowered under Taylorism and Fordism as they followed the approach of disconnecting the doing and thinking aspects of work. Both Taylor and Ford utilised their ideas in the restructuring of American steel plant and ultimately led to increased productivity and output and also had been able to distribute goods to a large population. Though there were some good aspects associated with Fordism and Taylorism but dehumanising impact on employees was the main source and area of concern. Workers were being affected by the monotony of work, health issues due to cumbersome tasks and by the lack of job satisfaction. Ford himself discovered the power of empowerment along with various other organisations, as employees were dissatisfied with their jobs and were forced to go in search of other alternatives. This lead to the softening of the regime and various incentives and bonuses were offered to retain employees and in Fords case salary hikes and socialisation programmes to induce a sense of commitment towards his company were conducted for the immigrant workers (Beirne, 2006). Many organisations today still follow the authoritarian management styles as were followed decades ago by Taylor and Ford. This part of essay is in reference to my personal experience of working in an Information Technology firm. I joined the firm some three years back with a lot of expectation in mind in regards to job satisfaction, opportunity to learn and enhance my skills. With the passage of time I started to realise that the people within my department were afraid of our Group project manager and as soon as he was seen around people woul d pretend to be working on some important task which in actual was not the case. The atmosphere there was always full of fear and tension. Also during the times of recession a couple of years back employees were forced to take over tasks forcefully, they were transferred to the location away from their homes and were forced to abide by policies that were of no use within the company. Due to fear of losing their jobs employees became puppets of the higher management and had to agree on everything they were asked to do. All these factors finally resulted in high iteration rate within the company as employee were dissatisfied with the quality of work and always feared job insecurity .Thus the employer eventually had to roll back all the unnecessary policies, had to pay high incentives to the employees and considered promoting their employees to retain them within the organisation. Many organisational changes were done to foster in employees satisfaction from their jobs. A lot many o rganisations have benefitted themselves by empowering its employees and launching various motivational programmes. One of the live examples of the same is the BMW Mini plant in Oxford. The company claims to have saved about 10.5 million pounds in two years. The employees within the firm were asked to generate ideas for improvement and a target for the same was given to all its employees. If the target was achieved successfully then the employees were rewarded with the various bonuses. Empowering employees to generate ideas for companys improvement indirectly encourages the employees to work at its best for the success of the organisation. Second example of employee empowerment is the company named Toshiba that started an innovation programme in year 2001 to increase its performance and in return saved nearly  £3 billion worldwide and over  £10 million in the UK. There were a couple of challenges faced by the management initially as it was difficult to m otivate employees to generate ideas. Also a number of innovative projects in the company had been a result of bringing together employees from across the departments in the organisation. Recalling the case study shown in class, on Wedge wood organisation, the company suffered major losses due to ineffective management, employees had no say in the organisation and also the employees were not satisfied with their jobs. The employer in order to bring change within the company decided to spend millions of pounds on buying robot machines that were not efficient and had teething problems , neglecting his employees. The company should have gone with the criteria of empowering its employee, and through participative work redesign programmes it could have saved the company from wasting millions of pounds on the useless robot machines and also would have fostered in its employee satisfaction towards their job. MAIN CHALLENGES OF MANAGING INNOVATION AT WORK Innovation forms the basis for any organization who wants to survive in todays restless environment. Organisations today should always strive to renew the process they offer and deliver to their stakeholders. Benefits of innovation include targeting the best customers, holding large market share, increased shareholder return and high employee satisfaction and morale. The word innovation originated from Latin word innovare which means to make something new. The most comprehensive definition was given by U.K. department of trade and industry who see it as the successful exploitation of new ideas. An employer may face a lot many challenges while managing innovation at work. The main challenges that can be faced by an employer are as below: What is the need to change? : Organizations always face a big question of why do we need to innovate. The reason for the same is just to stay within the market for a long term and it may involve configuration of the products, processes or m arkets all over again. In each case it involves learning and unlearning and it requires strategic direction to focus this process. Also the organizations have to focus on the core area of process, where change is needed. What is it that needs to be changed: Every firm needs to realize the areas that require changes? Even after the firms have recognized the need for continuous innovation they may face a number of challenges in setting up a required innovation agenda. After an innovation agenda is selected still there are a lot many challenges faced in order to ensure continuous improvement in order to succeed. Continuous Learning: Continuous learning is necessary for every single organization as it helps them in their development and for this a good practice model is very much required. In the good practice, it is easier to know how an organization can create a series of new products and services. A few features that belongs to a good practice model includes team working, learn ing and improving continuously, requirement of project management structures and a need of well built structure for continuous flow of processes. Irrespective of the various issues that we find while innovating processes it will always be a subject of change over period of time. Communication: Communication holds a major challenge when the innovation within the organization is to be considered. An employer has to make sure that there occurs exhaustive knowledge exchange between all the divisions and departments associated with bringing in the change in order to successfully accomplish the tasks. In case the flow of information between the various units and departments, on the needs to change, is not clear it may prove hazardous to the organization. Thus innovation requires proper channel of communication so as to get feedback and approval of all the employees before going ahead and making a change. One fine example that defines the real meaning and importa nce of term innovation was Danish Company named LEGO which is most famous brands in the world when it comes to making childrens toys. Initially company only focused on creating simple wooden toys but the main turning point for the company was in 1940 when it started making plastic toys that had parts that could be set apart and re-assembled. The design was not initially successful but soon with the help of Godtfred Kirk Christiansen and his discussions with the USA buyers an idea of an architectural innovation popped up which demanded a product platform on which many different designs could have been build. The design took some time to be accepted but by 1958 it became a reality. A series of product, process and market innovations of adding wheels, figures, targeting new market segments helped the company to evolve in the market. By 1968 LEGO toy system opened its theme park as well and it started to attract over 600,000 visitors in its first year itself. The company grew exceptiona lly well only by bringing on the basic changes to its design. Thus innovation within an organization can help an organization to reach acme of heights. The main challenge that can be faced by any organization while making any innovative change is to determine the after affects of the change and would then help the organization flourish as is expected from such a change. Another case that determines the importance of innovation at work is to be detailed now. Henry Ford started producing cars somewhere back in 1903 and faced success only when the Model T was launched. The main contribution which he made was to change the approach of manufacturing and marketing of cars i.e. the new changes that could have been brought to the already existing cars in the market. Henry, involved rethinking the design of the car and his aim here was to develop the Model T in such a way that it could be purchased by a large section market. He designed and standardised t he whole car along with the constituent elements. He even aimed at targeting a large market in competition to the already existing brands in the market from other companies. Ford and his team of engineers even rethought the overall production operations and it was based on a number of innovations which reduced the need for skilled labour, mechanised much of the assembly process, integrated preparation and manufacturing operations for both components and finished product and systematised the entire process. By following all the changes they were able to generate high volumes of cars thereby increasing productivity and generating high revenues to the company. Considering the case study on nursing empowerment as discussed in class, the main aim of this the case study was to improve the health care of the patients. For this reason the concept of primary nursing was brought into consideration which aimed at allocating nurses to the fixed number of patien ts so that they can give utmost attention to the health of patients they have been allocated to. Primary nurses were supported by a team to cope up with the work consisting of assistant nurses and ward coordinators. The project faced a number of challenges where in the ward coordinators did not pass on the value information to the nurses taking care of the patients ultimately not allowing them to have full control of their duties. Also the supervisors moved the patients and nurses from one ward to another that disrupted the functioning of the project. Nurses lost their patients due to such a scenario and also lost all the power to talk their heart out in case of any problem. Consultants also faced a lot of issues dealing with the scenarios as they had to go about making rounds of the wards dealing with different nurses and their patients. The above project could have successfully worked had there been a couple of changes been made to functioning of the system. Managing a system requ ire a great deal of efforts and innovating changes take a lot of effort as with changes may arise a lot of factors such as job dissatisfaction, politics within the company, frustrations , unwillingness to work and monotony at work place. GUIDANCE TO SENIOR MANAGERS IN OVERCOMING DIFFICULTIES AND PROMOTING EMPOWERMENT

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Liberal Era Of The Progressive Era - 1220 Words

A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy. ( ). The Progressive Era consisted of reformers demanding the government to clean up society. Entering office in 1904, Theodore Roosevelt was an individual in the republican Party, but as the country began to spin out of control Roosevelt joined the new Progressive Party and saved the country from a disastrous ending (685). Reformers set out to cleanse the country go its wrong doings. The progressivism agenda included: an active government to right political, economic and social wrongs (685). The activist only wanted the governments intervention for a short period of time then let the country run without government after things were back too†¦show more content†¦Multiple groups consolidated to fight for reform. The economic down fall was too drastic that it effected a significant number of people from several groups, among those included young protestants, muckrakers, and sociali st. Young protestants were passionate for righting moral wrongs and up lifting human spirts. Being raised in a protestant home prompted their interest in social actions. Even though many of them abandoned their religious pathway of becoming ministries or missionaries they were still discouraged in the corruption in American politics and the separation of rich and poor classes. Ida B Wells was a young protestant known as a muckraker, whom worked in investigation journalism, her goal was to dredge up the muck in American institutions. Ida B Well exposed John d Rockefeller as he had turned his Standard Oil Company into monopoly. The govenor of New Year, theodore Roosevelt gained congresses attention by his strong dedication, leadership and effort to rid the state of corruption and patronage. This type of characteristics was exactly needed in a president during this time of movement. Roosevelt was chosen to be McKinley s running mate. McKinley won the election but choose Roosevelt as hi s vice president. McKinley was shot during his term leaving Roosevelt in charge of the country. In 1902 Roosevelt used Sherman s antitrust act to break up the northern securities company. After thisShow MoreRelatedProgressive Era And Liberal Era1382 Words   |  6 Pages DBQ Progressive Era Essay Many citizens throughout the Progressive Era believed no changes occurred in the society because the press did not write about the changes and the Woman’s Suffrage Movement did not change either. However, changes such as the government changing, both the labor and meat inspection reforms, and trusts reforms indeed brought about change, noticeable or not. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Aspects Of Judaism, Christianity And Islam - 1937 Words

ASPECTS OF JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM The purpose of this short essay is to compare the aspects of Judaism, Christianity and Islam religions. During this essay I will be discussing the similarities and differences of all three religions and how their values are is demonstrated in the current heritage of all three beliefs. I will also analyze their impact in society thought the years and their history, legacies and believes. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are the three largest religions around the world, with Judaism 14 Million, Christianity 2.2Million and Islam 1.5 Million followers. These religions have many similarities and many differences; the most common one is their similarity in the view of Jesus Christ. It is believe that these three religions were created from the same believe but branch out separately over the years and started to deviated from each other. Some of the similarities between the religions include: The belief of monotheism, the influence of Zoroastrianism, the significance of Abraham. Some of the differences include: religious texts and how they approach to pray to God (Comparison Table between Christianity, Islam and Judaism 2014). One similarity that has high significance in the world of all three religions is the importance of Abraham. Abraham is referred to in the Old Testament that is used in both the Jewish faith and Christianity. Also Islam’s refer to Abraham as we ll as the man that had to make the sacrifice of giving up hisShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1332 Words   |  6 Pagesthere are many similarities in beliefs. Although the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam may see things differently, they all fundamentally hold the same values and codes. To Islam, the Prophet Mohammad’s teaching is a complete and final revelation. On the other hand, according to the bible, Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the true lord and savior that will grant you the access to heaven in the afterlife. Judaism is founded by Abraham and it is the base from which both of the otherRead MoreChristian, Islam, and Judaism1397 Words   |  6 Pages2133 – W03 April 19, 2008 Christianity, Judaism, and Islam Every religion has its own goal, and their own path and believe to reach their goals, however there are also many similarities in believes. Although the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam may see things differently, they all fundamentally hold the same values and codes. To Islam, the Prophet Mohammad’s teaching is a complete and final revelation. On the other hand, according to the bible, Christianity believes that Jesus ChristRead MoreChristianity, Hinduism, And Islam1054 Words   |  5 Pagesare also many similarities in their believes. Although the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam may see things differently, they basically hold the same values and codes. To Islam, the Prophet Mohammad’s teaching is a â€Å"complete and final revelation†. On the other hand, according to the bible, Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the true lord and savior will grant you the access to heaven in the afterlife. Judaism is founded by Abraham, an d it is the base from which both of the otherRead MoreThe Prophet, Muhammad, Islam1349 Words   |  6 PagesThe prophet, Muhammad founded Islam in 622 C.E. at the Arabian Peninsula. Judaism and Christianity both originate in Palestine, but Judaism commenced over 3,500 years ago while Christianity found its beginning in 33 C.E. Christianity was created by Christ, the son of God, while Abraham was the man credited with founding Judaism. Assuredly, albeit Judaism, Christianity and Islam were founded in divergent times, the religions still hold similarities in beliefs and teachings. However, differentiationsRead MoreJudaism, Christianity, And Islam1679 Words   |  7 Pages Completely Different but Surprisingly Similar Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all three different religions that many may not think can even be compared. At a glance, the religions are derived from different locations, the members of the religions look and act different, and some of the widely known practices are what make the religions so distinct. However, they are more similar than most people think. In the core of the three religions, many of their beliefs and practices show to be extremelyRead MoreIslam : A Powerful Religion1437 Words   |  6 PagesIslam emerged as a powerful religion in the seventh century. Prior to this, Christianity and Judaism dominated life throughout the Middle East and Europe. In order to develop as a system of faith, Islam borrowed ideas such as monotheism, an afterlife and many other concepts from the two prominent religions. Hence, Islam was revolutionary for the introduction of controversial values such as the rejection of Jesus Christ and its distinct differences in beliefs. Ever since its rise to popularity,Read MoreCommon Threads Throughout Judaism, Christianity, and Islam1233 Words   |  5 PagesThe monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have over many thousands of years established many traditions and beliefs. Many of these are from their respective book of scripture such as the Bible, Torah, or Qu’ran. Others are from the interpretation of the religions over the many years from their leaders and the generational stories that have been passed down. Many of these can be seen as quite similar between the religions, but others can be considered unique to each one ofRead MoreThe Three Major Religions Essay1429 Words   |  6 PagesThe Major Religions Judaism, Christianity and Islamic Humanities 101 August 28, 2010 Strayer University The major religions in the world are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are monotheistic religions, namely they believe that there is only one God. All three religions believe that this God is the origin and source of all that exists. God cares about the entire creation and desires the well-being of all. God is just and has provided basicRead MoreMeaning of Marriage in Different Cultures1737 Words   |  7 PagesIn Islam, marriage is a contract between two people. It is required that a certain amount of money be relayed to the bride. This idea of dowry derives from the word in Arabic; Mahr. Furthermore, like both Christianity and Judaism, Islam is strict on the concept of chastity. It is the element of staying pure. Seeing as marriage in Islam is concealed with intercourse, which is evident from the root of the world in Arabic meaning marriage. The Arabic of word Nikah can be translated to marriage and sexualRead MoreCreation Myths in the Abrahamic Religions1850 Words   |  7 Pageswhole difference between construction and creation is this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists† (qtd. in â€Å"Charles Dickens†). Although the creation stories of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have some differences, the fact that the thre e Abrahamic religions all arose in the same Middle Eastern area in succession may have had an effect on not only each religion’s beliefs that can be found in their creation myth, but also on

What Do You Look Forward Free Essays

I look forward to getting the best out of this program and come out a better nurse equipped and seasoned with sound knowledge and skills necessary to meet up with challenges in the healthcare system. However my greatest fear is time management Time management is very important in any area of life as success and failures are built upon it. It is my fear here as I have to juggle School, Work, family at the same time and meet up with the demands of each, allotting quality time to each section. We will write a custom essay sample on What Do You Look Forward? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Language barrier on the other hand possess a little bit of challenge to me as I have to advance my writings from undergraduate level to graduate level. My plan to overcome this fear is to be organized from day one which entails knowing my schedule, plan and stream line my activities via time table format. Make effort to follow my time table, remove procrastination from it but allow flexible time for any unforeseen circumstances that might come up along the way. Specific educational experience I encountered was when I started school here in a traditional class room, it was very difficult for me to comprehend what my instructors was teaching and also for them to understand me because of my accent. My fear was how to succeed in my education when I don’t understand the classroom lectures. I am even too afraid to ask questions fearing that they will not understand me or even laugh at me. I am fine studying my textbook at home but it is not enough as major and important points are highlighted in the lecture notes. So my first step in addressing this fear was to meet with my instructors after class and tell them my problem. Second step was to use the learning resources available at the college and attended series of passport classes for international students. This tutoring classes and one on one session with most of my instructors took all my spare and family time but it did pay off at the end of the semester with good grades. These resources helped me to overcome my fear, understand my instructors, and ask questions in class, improved on note taking skills and above all good grades. Read also: Time Management – Work File How to cite What Do You Look Forward?, Essay examples

Lab Report Caloric Content of Food free essay sample

We learned from the chapter that a â€Å"calorie: is a unit of energy, just like a kilowatt-hour or a joule. These units, represent the amount of â€Å"heat energy† it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. When we burn the food items and capture the heat in the water, we will use the following formula, our initial and final temperatures and we can calculate the energy released from each food item. FORMULA: Q = t*m*cp Q= heat energy absorbed t = change in temperature ,? C m = mass in grams, g cp = specific heat capacity ( 4. 184 j/g ? C for water) It states clearly that there will be considerable error in this experiment, due to some of the heat given off from the food being burned, and it was absorbed by the glass beaker and some energy escaped into the air. This gave us results that are lower than the accepted values. PROCEDURES: After gathering my equipment from the labpaq and required items from my home. I started with my measurements. I first measured my 100mL empty glass beaker on my scale from the labpaq and recorded that in data table 7. 1. Next I filled the beaker with 50mL of tap water, I measured the water and the beaker together and recorded those measurements as well. Next, I used my sheet of aluminum foil and placed my burner stand on it and placed my beaker with the water upon the stand and placed my thermometer into the beaker, after a minute or so I took a initial measurement of temperature of the water and recorded it. Now I needed to get a mass measurement of my first item, for the experiment. I started with the marshmallow and a fork. I took a mass measurement of the marshmallow and the fork separately and recorded it in data table 7. 1 Next I placed the marshmallow on the end of my fork and then I weighed those two together and recorded my measurement. Now it was time to add the heat, I used a extended grill lighter for my heat source. I clicked the lighter and carefully placed the marshmallow into the flame, once it caught and started to burn, I placed the burning marshmallow under my beaker, while allowing it to burn most of the way down, I had my oldest daughter help me stir the thermometer in the beaker. Once it had burned out, I took a new measurement of the fork with the burnt residue on it and recorded that measurement. I set the fork in the sink and checked the temperature of the water in the beaker, and recorded the final temperature. There is cleanup in between each food item to be burned, and you must start with fresh water and a new initial temperature for the remaining items in the experiment. I followed the above steps for the walnut and the potato chip and recorded their measurements in the data table 7. 1 as well. Once all my food items were burned , measured and recorded. I then proceeded to my calculations for analysis in this lab and recorded the remaining results in the data table 7. 1 below. DATA TABLE 7. 1 CALORIC CONTENT OF FOOD/ OBSERVATIONS FOOD ITEM DESCRIPTION|MARSHMALLOW|NUT|POTATO CHIP| Mass of food and holder-initial|40. 4g|18. g|16g| Mass of food and holder-final|38. 8g|16. 3g|13. 5g| Mass of food burnt|1. 6g|2. 0g|2. 5g| Mass of beaker|66. 5g|66. 4g|66. 5g| Mass of beaker and water|107. 2g|108. 2g|108. 2g| Mass of water|40. 7g|41. 8g|41. 7g| Water temp. initial|23 °C|22 °C|22 °C| Water temp. final|31 °C|72 °C|32 °C| Delta T  °C, change|8 °C|50 °C|10 °C| CONCLUSIONS: Altho ugh I still do not like â€Å"burning things†, this one was rather neat. I am overweight and lately have really been watching calories, and by doing this experiment I have grasped a better understanding of how energy Is released from food and how to properly calculate caloric content. Although I do not believe I will be using any of these methods to calculate my caloric intake, I will just stick to my labels provided for me and hope that they are without error. ANSWERS TO END OF LAB QUESTIONS: A. The food that tested with the most energy per gram was the potato chip. B. My results were somewhat lower than the averages, but according to the discussion prior to the lab it stated that this would be a possible issue, due to the heat loss in the air, and the beaker absorbing some of the heat as well. C. The type of reaction used in calorimetry, would be a â€Å"combustion reaction†, which we learned about back in chapter 5. A chemical process may either absorb or release energy, and many times this energy is in the form of heat. In experiments we often need to know how much heat is absorbed or released when such a process takes place. The measuring of that heat is known as . calorimetry determines how much heat is absorbed or released by noting the temperature before and after the process. By determining the temperature difference, we are then able to calculate how much energy was absorbed or released. In order to measure the amount of heat a reaction absorbs or releases, a calorimeter is often used. calorimeters are sometimes used in calorimetry to calculate the heat gained or lost in a combustion reaction. D. The products from the reactions are CO2 and H2O. E. The products were released into the air, or the atmosphere. F. 1. In using the data that the student collected about the cashew nut, we would calculate the total energy released by the combustion of the nut by using the increase n temperature of the water, the mass of the water and the specific heat capacity of water. We will use this formula: FORMULA: Q = t*m*cp 58576 joules 2. In order to calculate the energy released per gram of the cashew nut consumed in the reaction we calculate as follows: 58,576j / 0. 55g = 106502 / 4. 184 = 25455 or 2. 5 cal 3. Using given standards, my favorite snack food Chili Cheese Fritos (snack bag size) caloric content is as follows: Carbohydrates: 60 proteins: 8 fats: 90 a second conclusion is I need to find a snack food with less fat!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Ted Hughes famously quoted What excites my imagination is the war between vitality and death Essay Example For Students

Ted Hughes famously quoted What excites my imagination is the war between vitality and death Essay Ted Hughes famously quoted What excites my imagination is the war between vitality and death. This is a key factor in the effectiveness of nearly all of Hughes early work the stark contrast between life and death, vitality and lethargy. In poems such as The Jaguar, Roarers in a Ring and Six Young Men, there is a severe and often brutally sudden transition between the two extremes. I found all of these poems, particularly The Jaguar, intriguing and enthralling; the respect that Hughes has for animals and humans who live their lives to the full is admirably enormous. In The Jaguar, the poet describes his disregard for the majority of the animals in the zoo he visits because they have accepted captivity and surrendered to a life free from care, excitement and interest. Most of the animals have lost the magic of their natural instincts. He disdainfully describes them with words like indolence and sloth and uses the simile like cheap tarts to describe the parrots. This insinuates that they are willing to strut and show off to anyone, as they have lost any sense of pride and self worth they once had. However, there is one creature that excites and captivates the crowds, and as the title of the poem suggests, has also left a lasting impact on Hughes. Instead of lazing around idly, the sleek black Jaguar spins from the bars and hurries enraged. Despite being deprived of his natural environment and his freedom, the Jaguar is full of movement, actively bursting with power and energy. Hughes is markedly enthralled by the way that the Jaguar seems to create his own space, even within the confinement of his cage à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" describing the creature as having the world rolling under the long thrust of his heel. Hughes uses powerful and potent images such as the drills of his eyes and the prison darkness to make the poem come alive. The poem has an underlining high regard for the Jaguar; it is clear he retains his sense of dignity and power and is still very much a wild beast. He has certainly not accepted his life in captivity. Hughes accentuates the difference between the Jaguar and the other animals by describing the reactions of the crowd, who stare mesmerised at the Jaguar as a child at a dream. This simile is effective as it creates a real sense of awe and amazement; children cannot often be captivated so strongly, suggesting the subject is something truly incredible. Contrarily, he implies that the majority of the cages contain nothing but sleeping straw, and visitors tend to rush past such animals without even noticing their existence. As well as the movements of the crowds, the difference between lively and lethargic is very much highlighted by the metaphorical language used. The curl of a snakes body is described as a fossil à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" not only appropriate because of the coiled shape but also because it gives the impression of being very old and in a state of inertia. Similarly, the apes are of no interest to the crowds because their only motions are idle actions to pass the time; they merely yawn and adore their fleas in the sun. To my surprise, even the tigers and the lions are too fatigued with indolence to excite an audience. The simile still as the sun demonstrates the arrogance and immovability of the Lions, and also illustrates their colour. All these static, lazy images are countered by the rage, strength and ferocity of the Jaguar who does not limit his spirit to the boundaries of his cage. The pace and rhythm of the poem is quite fast with short sharp words, often monosyllable to stress the simplicity of the trouble-free animals. In contrast, the pace slows down in the third verse when talking about the Jaguar, with considerably longer sentences and words such as mesmerised. Roarers in a Ring is a more subtle observation, in the form of a narrative. .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b , .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b .postImageUrl , .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b , .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b:hover , .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b:visited , .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b:active { border:0!important; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b:active , .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u093a701e8fb0c7375e4baf74291e4a3b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How To Get A Date EssayIt is Christmas Eve and a group of farmers are attempting to conceal their sorrow with alcohol and false laughter. The situation the poet describes is immediately identifiable, making it all the more hard-hitting. The poem begins on a cold note, describing a starving fox a symbol of the harsh realities of nature and death. Descriptions like The moor foamed like a white running sea create an atmosphere that is bleak, cold and uninviting. In the second verse the farmers huddle around a fire, which instead of sounding cosy, sounds as if they are hiding from the outside world. Later, it is suggested that their unceasing laughter is not genuine but is like a ball being tossed in the air. Instead of actually being happy they are forcing themselves to laugh because there is nothing else they can do, and ultimately because they are afraid. The poet talks as if he is watching them and says, You would have thought that if they did not laugh, they must weep. He is saying that they are scared to drop the pretence of joviality, as they dont want to face the prospect of sober misery. Thinking rather than laughing loudly means they must realise what their fate is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" lest silence drink blood. In contrast to the way they toss laughter, and their lives up, towards the end of the poem there is a strong feeling of downward movement, with lines like bottomless black silence through which it fell and blindly, rowdily balanced, took their fall. Despite their apparent liveliness, there is a constant undertone of sorrow. In the sixth verse the poet depicts how the farmers grand bellies shook and then suddenly the line Oh their flesh would drop to dust at the first sober look. This cruelly reminds the reader how vulnerable and weak they are compared to the sharpness of the air new as a razor and the power of the moor and the world in general. The poem draws to an end with the deaths of the farmers, and pointedly closes with the insignificance of this; as the world went whirling still à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" it carries on unchanged by their absence. Another of Ted Hughes poems entitled Six Young Men displays a more direct change from descriptions of the life and the mens enthusiasm to their tragic deaths in the First World War. The poem observes a photograph taken forty years ago which pictures the six men who died only months later. The mens expressions are timeless and although the men are very much dead, the photo is undoubtedly alive The men were at the peak of their lives and the contrast between their vigour and anticipation with the tragedy of their death is shocking. Hughes describes each of the young men in turn by how they looked in a photograph, their beautiful surroundings, their camaraderie and lust for life itself. However, at the end of each verse, a brief yet cuttingly effective line reminds the reader of the mens fate à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" their faces are four decades under the ground ends the second verse and Forty years rotting into soil ends the fourth. This pattern is repeated, as the poet touchingly recalls how their clothes would not be fashionable today, but at the time their shoes shone, which reflects their respectability. It also makes an alarming contrast as in life they had taken pride in their appearance but in death, they have spent forty years rotting in the soil. There is a more detailed description of how the men died and Hughes reveals that he knew them and also the scene in the picture. It makes the reader wonder what relationship he was to them. I speculated whether he had lost all these friends in the war. Was he the one behind the lens who had taken the picture? The poem reflects on the passing of time, and it is states that nothing lasts. The tone of the poem is bitter but invariably becomes more softly spoken when Hughes is recalling memories of the men going on a Sunday jaunt. .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 , .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 .postImageUrl , .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 , .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780:hover , .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780:visited , .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780:active { border:0!important; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780:active , .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780 .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2329422773106b183f457edeef6f0780:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Alchemist EssayHe reflects on the irony of their lives and talks about the mangled last agony one of the men suffered in hospital, while for some nobody knows what they came to. In the last verse, the poet claims that six celluloid smiles are no less alive than any man, but at the same no less dead than a prehistoric creature. Hughes feels very strongly about the photograph; it is a paradox, a contradiction that that they should be smiling, when with hindsight he sees too many reasons why they should not. Hughes remembers them twice à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" in death shot by rifle or trying to save a friend, and preserved in his cherished photograph which has not wrinkled their faces or hands, and they live in his memory, young forever. All of these poems touch on the contrast between vitality and death, either comparing the two directly, or focusing mainly on one of them. It is obvious that Hughes found victory in the untamed will of the Jaguar, and admiration for the remarkable lust each of the Six young men had for life à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" whereas he scorned at the farmers who led pitiful, timid lives which ended as uneventfully as they had existed.